To create a homeschool curriculum, we can refer to the curriculum used Oleg kementreian education every country. For example, if we want to apply homeschooling in Indonesia, then we can also take materials from the ministry of national education curriculum. It could be the main reference in addition you can also take a sample curriculum from other countries.
In educational institutions organize educational methods of homeschooling in Indonesia, such as Homeschooling Kak Seto also has its own curriculum. But of course, they also refer to the curriculum in Indonesia. Because in the end our students will sit final examinations in accordance with the test material dikeluatkan by the ministry of national education.
The steps that can be taken in implementing the homeschooling curriculum:
- The first stage in developing homeschool curriculum, we can find what competencies must be mastered child
- The second phase, we can begin to assemble all the existing competencies of the
- The next stage of our new methods that make learning fun.
So, let us continue to dedicate the best education for our students
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